Unlocking the Secrets of JavaFX GridView: How to Get Visible Elements’ IDs
Image by Natacia - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of JavaFX GridView: How to Get Visible Elements’ IDs

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on retrieving visible elements’ IDs in a JavaFX GridView. If you’re struggling to get the IDs of the visible elements in your GridView, you’re in the right place. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of JavaFX GridView and be able to effortlessly retrieve the IDs of the visible elements.

What is JavaFX GridView?

Before we dive into the world of retrieving IDs, let’s take a step back and understand what JavaFX GridView is. JavaFX GridView is a powerful and versatile UI component that allows you to display a large amount of data in a grid-like structure. It’s commonly used in JavaFX applications to display data in a tabular format.

Why Retrieve Visible Elements’ IDs?

Retrieving visible elements’ IDs is crucial in various scenarios. For instance, imagine you’re building a JavaFX application that displays a list of products in a GridView. You want to enable users to select multiple products and then perform an action on the selected products. To achieve this, you need to retrieve the IDs of the visible elements in the GridView.

Getting Started with JavaFX GridView

Before we dive into the code, let’s set up a basic JavaFX GridView. Create a new JavaFX project in your preferred IDE and add the following code to your main application class:

<GridView id="myGridView" layoutX="50" layoutY="50" prefHeight="400" prefWidth="600">
        <GridViewColumn text="ID" width="100">
                <PropertyValueFactory property="id" />
        <GridViewColumn text="Name" width="200">
                <PropertyValueFactory property="name" />

In this example, we’ve created a basic GridView with two columns: ID and Name. We’ll use this GridView to demonstrate how to retrieve visible elements’ IDs.

Retrieving Visible Elements’ IDs

Now that we have our GridView set up, let’s get down to business. To retrieve visible elements’ IDs, we’ll use the `getVisibleRowCount()` method provided by the GridView. This method returns the number of visible rows in the GridView.

Method 1: Using getVisibleRowCount()

The first method involves using a loop to iterate over the visible rows and retrieve the IDs of the elements. Here’s the code:

 ObservableList<MyObject> list = gridView.getItems();
 int numRows = gridView.getVisibleRowCount();
 List<String> visibleIds = new ArrayList<>();

 for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
     MyObject obj = list.get(i);
     String id = obj.getId();

In this code, we first get the ObservableList of items from the GridView using the `getItems()` method. Then, we use the `getVisibleRowCount()` method to get the number of visible rows. Finally, we use a loop to iterate over the visible rows and retrieve the IDs of the elements.

Method 2: Using getRows()

The second method involves using the `getRows()` method provided by the GridView. This method returns a list of TableRow objects, which contain information about each row in the GridView. Here’s the code:

 ObservableList<MyObject> list = gridView.getItems();
 List<TableRow<MyObject>> rows = gridView.getRows();
 List<String> visibleIds = new ArrayList<>();

 for (TableRow<MyObject> row : rows) {
     if (row.isVisible()) {
         MyObject obj = row.getItem();
         String id = obj.getId();

In this code, we first get the ObservableList of items from the GridView using the `getItems()` method. Then, we use the `getRows()` method to get a list of TableRow objects. Finally, we use a loop to iterate over the rows and retrieve the IDs of the visible elements.

Performance Considerations

When retrieving visible elements’ IDs, it’s essential to consider performance. If you’re dealing with a large dataset, iterating over the visible rows can be slow. To improve performance, consider using the following optimizations:

  • Pagination: Implement pagination in your GridView to limit the number of rows displayed at a time. This can significantly improve performance.
  • Virtualization: Use JavaFX’s built-in virtualization feature to only load visible rows in memory. This can reduce memory usage and improve performance.
  • Cache results: Cache the results of the ID retrieval process to avoid redundant calculations.


Retrieving visible elements’ IDs in a JavaFX GridView is a crucial task that can be achieved using various methods. In this article, we’ve explored two methods for retrieving visible elements’ IDs: using `getVisibleRowCount()` and using `getRows()`. Remember to consider performance when retrieving IDs, and use optimizations such as pagination, virtualization, and caching to improve performance.

Method Description
getVisibleRowCount() Retrieves the number of visible rows in the GridView.
getRows() Retrieves a list of TableRow objects, which contain information about each row in the GridView.

By following the instructions in this article, you should now be able to effortlessly retrieve the IDs of visible elements in your JavaFX GridView. Happy coding!


  1. Q: What is JavaFX GridView? A: JavaFX GridView is a powerful and versatile UI component that allows you to display a large amount of data in a grid-like structure.
  2. Q: Why retrieve visible elements’ IDs? A: Retrieving visible elements’ IDs is crucial in various scenarios, such as allowing users to select multiple products and perform an action on the selected products.
  3. Q: What is the difference between getVisibleRowCount() and getRows()? A: getVisibleRowCount() returns the number of visible rows, while getRows() returns a list of TableRow objects, which contain information about each row in the GridView.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, retrieving visible elements’ IDs in a JavaFX GridView is a straightforward process that can be achieved using various methods. By following the instructions in this article, you should now be able to retrieve the IDs of visible elements in your GridView with ease.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “JavaFX GridView how to get visible elements id’s”:

Frequently Asked Question

Explore the best practices to retrieve visible elements’ IDs in JavaFX GridView.

How do I get the IDs of visible elements in a JavaFX GridView?

To get the IDs of visible elements in a JavaFX GridView, you can iterate over the GridView’s children and check if each child is visible using the `isVisible()` method. Then, retrieve the ID of each visible child using the `getId()` method.

Can I use a specific layout to ensure only certain elements are visible in the GridView?

Yes, you can use a layout like `GridPane` or `FlowPane` to control the visibility of elements in the GridView. For example, you can set the `visible` property of a `GridPane` row or column to `false` to hide its contents.

Is there a way to get the IDs of visible elements in a GridView without iterating over all children?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in method to get the IDs of visible elements in a GridView without iterating over all children. However, you can create a custom method that caches the IDs of visible elements and updates the cache when the GridView’s content changes.

How do I handle cases where elements are partially visible in the GridView?

To handle partially visible elements, you can check the element’s bounds against the GridView’s viewport bounds. If the element’s bounds intersect with the viewport bounds, consider it partially visible and include its ID in the result.

Can I use JavaFX CSS to style visible elements in the GridView based on their IDs?

Yes, you can use JavaFX CSS to style visible elements in the GridView based on their IDs. Use the `#id` selector in your CSS file to target specific elements and apply styles accordingly.

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