Flutter Application Crashes on iOS Devices due to audio_players Darwin Plugin: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
Image by Natacia - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter Application Crashes on iOS Devices due to audio_players Darwin Plugin: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky crashes on iOS devices when running your Flutter application that utilizes the audio_players plugin? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to walk you through a step-by-step guide to identifying and resolving the issue.

Understanding the audio_players Darwin Plugin

The audio_players plugin is a popular dependency for Flutter developers who need to play audio files in their applications. It’s a powerful tool that allows for seamless audio playback, but it’s not without its quirks. One of the most common issues encountered by developers is the application crashing on iOS devices, specifically when using the Darwin plugin.

Causes of the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root causes of the problem. Here are some common reasons why your Flutter application might be crashing on iOS devices due to the audio_players Darwin plugin:

  • Outdated plugin version
  • Incompatible iOS version
  • Incorrect plugin implementation
  • Conflicting dependencies
  • Insufficient iOS permissions

Finding the Source of the Crash

To fix the issue, you need to identify the root cause of the crash. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you find the source of the problem:

  1. Reproduce the crash: Try to replicate the crash on a physical iOS device or simulator.
  2. Check the console output: Open the Flutter console and check for any error messages or warnings.
  3. Review the crash log: If you’re testing on a physical device, connect it to your computer and open the Xcode console. If you’re using a simulator, check the Simulator’s logs.
  4. Analyze the error message: Look for any hints or clues in the error message that might indicate the cause of the crash.
  5. Isolate the audio_players plugin: Try to isolate the audio_players plugin by commenting out other dependencies or removing them temporarily.

Fixing the Issue

Now that you’ve identified the source of the crash, it’s time to fix it! Here are some solutions to common issues:

Outdated Plugin Version

Make sure you’re using the latest version of the audio_players plugin. You can check the plugin’s pub.dev page for the latest version.

    sdk: flutter
  audio_players: ^1.3.0

Incompatible iOS Version

If you’re targeting an older version of iOS, you might need to update your iOS version or adjust your plugin implementation.

platform :ios, '12.0'

Incorrect Plugin Implementation

Double-check your plugin implementation to ensure it’s correct. Make sure you’ve followed the official documentation and examples.

import 'package:audio_players/audio_players.dart';

AudioPlayers _audioPlayers = AudioPlayers();

 Future initPlayer() async {
  await _audioPlayers.init();

Conflicting Dependencies

If you’re using other audio-related dependencies, try removing or updating them to ensure compatibility.

  flutter_audio_query: ^0.3.1

Insufficient iOS Permissions

Ensure you’ve added the necessary permissions to your iOS project. Open your `Info.plist` file and add the following:

<string>This app needs access to your music library</string>

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you avoid common pitfalls and optimize your audio_players implementation:

  • Use a try-catch block to handle any exceptions thrown by the audio_players plugin.
  • Implement error handling for cases where the audio file cannot be played.
  • Optimize your audio file format for better performance.
  • Test your application on different iOS versions and devices.


Dealing with crashes in your Flutter application can be frustrating, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can identify and fix the issue. By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the audio_players Darwin plugin crash on iOS devices. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest plugin versions, ensure compatibility with your iOS version, and implement the plugin correctly. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with your Flutter app crashing on iOS devices due to the audio_players Darwin plugin? We’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q: What is the audio_players Darwin plugin, and why is it causing my Flutter app to crash on iOS devices?

A: The audio_players Darwin plugin is a plugin used in Flutter apps to play audio files. However, it’s been known to cause crashes on iOS devices due to compatibility issues with certain iOS versions. This plugin is not compatible with iOS 14.0 and above, which can cause your app to crash.

Q: How do I check if the audio_players Darwin plugin is causing the crash in my Flutter app?

A: You can check the crash logs to identify the issue. Look for error messages related to the audio_players plugin. If you’re still unsure, try removing the plugin and testing your app again. If the crash disappears, then it’s likely the plugin was the culprit.

Q: Is there a way to fix the audio_players Darwin plugin issue without removing it from my Flutter app?

A: Yes, you can try updating the plugin to the latest version or using a forked version that’s compatible with iOS 14.0 and above. You can also try setting the `platform` property in your `pubspec.yaml` file to `ios: 13.0` or lower to see if that resolves the issue.

Q: Are there any alternative audio plugins that I can use in my Flutter app instead of audio_players?

A: Yes, there are several alternative audio plugins available for Flutter, such as flutter_sound, audioplayers, and just_audio. You can explore these options and see which one works best for your app.

Q: How can I prevent similar crashes from happening in the future?

A: Make sure to regularly test your app on different iOS versions and devices to catch any compatibility issues early on. Also, keep your plugins and dependencies up to date, and monitor crash reports to identify and fix issues quickly.

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