How to Share Artifacts Between Workflows in GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Share Artifacts Between Workflows in GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of duplicate efforts and wasted resources in your GitHub Actions workflows? Do you want to streamline your CI/CD pipeline and make the most out of your artifacts? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of artifact sharing and explore how to share artifacts between workflows in GitHub Actions.

What are Artifacts in GitHub Actions?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of artifact sharing, let’s quickly cover what artifacts are in GitHub Actions. Artifacts are files or directories that are produced during a workflow run and can be used as input for another workflow or action. Think of them as outputs or byproducts of your workflow that can be reused or consumed by other workflows.

Why Share Artifacts Between Workflows?

Sharing artifacts between workflows can bring numerous benefits to your CI/CD pipeline. Here are some compelling reasons why you should share artifacts:

  • Reduced Duplicate Efforts**: By sharing artifacts, you can avoid duplicate efforts and reduce the workload of your workflows. Why recreate what’s already been done?
  • Faster Workflow Execution**: When you share artifacts, subsequent workflows can start executing faster, as they don’t need to recreate the artifacts from scratch.
  • Improved Pipeline Efficiency**: Artifact sharing enables you to create a more efficient pipeline, where each workflow focuses on its specific task, rather than recreating existing artifacts.
  • Better Resource Utilization**: By sharing artifacts, you can optimize resource utilization, as workflows only need to process the required inputs, rather than recreating entire artifacts.

Methods for Sharing Artifacts Between Workflows

There are two primary methods for sharing artifacts between workflows in GitHub Actions: using GitHub’s built-in artifact sharing feature and using a caching mechanism. Let’s explore both methods in detail:

Method 1: Using GitHub’s Built-in Artifact Sharing

Github provides a built-in feature for sharing artifacts between workflows. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new workflow that will produce the artifact you want to share. This workflow will act as the “producer” workflow.
  2. In the producer workflow, use the actions/upload-artifact action to upload the artifact to GitHub.
  3.     name: Producer Workflow
              - main
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
              - name: Checkout code
                uses: actions/checkout@v2
              - name: Build and upload artifact
                run: |
                  mkdir -p path/to/artifact
                  # build the artifact
                    name: my-artifact
                    path: path/to/artifact
  4. Create a new workflow that will consume the shared artifact. This workflow will act as the “consumer” workflow.
  5. In the consumer workflow, use the actions/download-artifact action to download the shared artifact from GitHub.
  6.     name: Consumer Workflow
              - main
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
              - name: Checkout code
                uses: actions/checkout@v2
              - name: Download artifact
                uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
                  name: my-artifact
                - name: Use the artifact
                  run: |
                    # use the downloaded artifact

Method 2: Using a Caching Mechanism

Alternatively, you can use a caching mechanism to share artifacts between workflows. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose a caching mechanism, such as GitHub’s built-in cache or an external cache service like Redis or Memcached.
  2. In the producer workflow, upload the artifact to the caching mechanism.
  3.     name: Producer Workflow
              - main
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
              - name: Checkout code
                uses: actions/checkout@v2
              - name: Build and cache artifact
                run: |
                  mkdir -p path/to/artifact
                  # build the artifact
                  # cache the artifact using your chosen caching mechanism
  4. In the consumer workflow, download the artifact from the caching mechanism.
  5.     name: Consumer Workflow
              - main
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
              - name: Checkout code
                uses: actions/checkout@v2
              - name: Download artifact from cache
                run: |
                  # download the artifact from the caching mechanism
                - name: Use the artifact
                  run: |
                    # use the downloaded artifact

Best Practices for Sharing Artifacts

When sharing artifacts between workflows, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use Unique Artifact Names**: Ensure that each artifact has a unique name to avoid conflicts and overwrites.
  • Use Versioning**: Use versioning to track changes to your artifacts and ensure that workflows are using the correct version.
  • Provide Clear Documentation**: Document the artifacts and their usage to ensure that workflows understand how to consume them.
  • Test Artifact Sharing**: Test artifact sharing between workflows to ensure that it’s working as expected.


Sharing artifacts between workflows in GitHub Actions is a powerful way to optimize your CI/CD pipeline and reduce duplicate efforts. By using GitHub’s built-in artifact sharing feature or a caching mechanism, you can create a more efficient and streamlined pipeline. Remember to follow best practices when sharing artifacts, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a more efficient and effective workflow.

Method Description
Using GitHub’s Built-in Artifact Sharing Use actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact to share artifacts between workflows.
Using a Caching Mechanism Use a caching mechanism like GitHub’s built-in cache or an external cache service to share artifacts between workflows.

I hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to share artifacts between workflows in GitHub Actions. Remember to share your knowledge and help others optimize their pipelines!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your GitHub Actions game! Sharing artifacts between workflows can be a game-changer, and we’re about to uncover the secrets.

Q1: What is an artifact in GitHub Actions, and how does it relate to sharing between workflows?

In GitHub Actions, an artifact is a file or set of files that are created during a workflow run and can be used as inputs to other jobs or workflows. To share artifacts between workflows, you can upload them to GitHub Actions storage and then download them in another workflow using the `actions/download-artifact` action. This way, you can reuse the artifacts across multiple workflows, making your CI/CD pipeline more efficient!

Q2: How do I upload an artifact in GitHub Actions?

To upload an artifact in GitHub Actions, you can use the `actions/upload-artifact` action. This action takes two required inputs: `name` and `path`. The `name` parameter specifies the name of the artifact, and the `path` parameter specifies the path to the file or directory that you want to upload. For example, `actions/upload-artifact@v2 name=my-artifact path=build/output` would upload the `output` directory from the `build` folder as an artifact named `my-artifact`.

Q3: Can I share artifacts between workflows in different repositories?

By default, artifacts are only accessible within the same repository. However, you can use the `actions/upload-artifact` action with the `repository` input to upload artifacts to a different repository. This way, you can share artifacts between workflows in different repositories, but you need to ensure that the workflow has the necessary permissions to access the target repository.

Q4: How do I download an artifact in GitHub Actions?

To download an artifact in GitHub Actions, you can use the `actions/download-artifact` action. This action takes two required inputs: `name` and `path`. The `name` parameter specifies the name of the artifact, and the `path` parameter specifies the path where you want to download the artifact. For example, `actions/download-artifact@v2 name=my-artifact path=/tmp` would download the artifact named `my-artifact` to the `/tmp` directory.

Q5: What are some best practices for sharing artifacts between workflows in GitHub Actions?

When sharing artifacts between workflows, it’s essential to follow some best practices. First, ensure that you’re using a consistent naming convention for your artifacts. Second, consider using a dedicated repository for your artifacts to keep them organized and easily accessible. Finally, make sure to validate the integrity of your artifacts to prevent corruption or tampering during transmission.

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